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A Marian Soul. Praying for a Miracle at the Future Conclave

ott 31, 2022

Dear StilumCuriali, A Marian Soul offers for your attention these thoughtful and disturbing reflections on the future of the Church. Happy reading. 

Praying for a “Miracle” at the Next “Conclave”

By A Marian Soul

“We need to all pray for a miracle!” This will be the urgent appeal made to faithful Catholics very soon as a conclave to elect the successor of Francis gets underway. “We all need to pray the Rosary and ask God to provide us with a true miracle at the next conclave – a faithful, humble, holy and traditional pope!”

Yes, this is what is going to happen in the not-too-distant future: “Pope Francis” will either 1) die, or 2) step down, leaving the 132 men who currently claim to be “cardinal electors” – 83 of whom have been appointed by Jorge Mario Bergoglio – to elect the Successor of Francis. And right on cue, we Catholics who are trying to be faithful despite all the current madness will be told by faithful Catholic influencers that it is up to us to pray, fast, and do all the right things so that the Holy Spirit works a “miracle” and provides the Church with a pope who “turns the tables” and undoes all the bad things Francis has done.

Nothing is impossible for God, right? Especially the “God of surprises.”

However, the logical flaw in this well-intentioned-but-gravely-flawed thinking is the premise that the Holy Spirit would be anywhere near a gathering of men wearing red robes that includes 83 Bergoglian appointees. The validity of the status of these Bergoglian cardinals as papal electors is highly suspect, and it is high time someone had the courage to speak openly about this large scarlet elephant in the Chapel.

Here's what Catholic leaders who know the inside story have deemed it inopportune to let the “little people” in the pews know: Due to numerous irregularities in the 2013 conclave that elected Jorge Mario Bergoglio to the Throne of Peter, the norms of the Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis governing the election of the Roman Pontiff were violated. Leaving aside other allegations of purchased votes and balloting engineered by the Saint Gallen Mafia, Elisabetta Pique has made the question quite simple: she has discussed the openly known fact that on March 13, 2013, Bergoglio’s election occurred during an irregular fifth ballot (the third ballot of the afternoon session, at which only two ballots are to be held according to the norms of UDG). Antonio Socci also confirmed this rendering of events as early as 2014 in Non è Francesco. These are respectable and authoritative Vatican journalists, and their accounts have never been publicly questioned by anyone who was there. It seems highly probable that what they report is true.

If an extra ballot was held in violation of the norms (note that this is a factual question, either it did happen or it did not), then the election is for that very reason null and void, without any need for a declaration on the matter:

“Should the election take place in a way other than that prescribed in the present Constitution, or should the conditions laid down here not be observed, the election is for this very reason null and void, without any need for a declaration on the matter; consequently, it confers no right on the one elected.” – Universi Dominici Gregis n. 76.

But if Jorge Bergoglio received no right to ascend the Throne of Peter, then he did not receive the right to make nominations to the College of Cardinals, and this means that a conclave composed of 83 “bishops dressed in red” will have the same amount of validity as the “bishop dressed in white” who appointed them. The irregular conclave of 2013 can only generate future irregular conclaves.

This question is of course guaranteed to generate controversy. The day is steadily coming closer when Catholics will have to decide whether or not they accept the authority of the conclave that will meet to elect the successor of Francis. But this question needs to be decided before the event – because any election by an irregular conclave will be “for this very reason null and void,” conferring no right on the one elected. Even the seeming “miracle” of electing the most traditional prelate conceivable will in fact only generate another “bishop dressed in white” in the antipapal line of Bergoglio.

As the faux-conclave draws closer, the problem will only become more difficult to address with calmness and clarity, not easier. And so it behooves Catholic prelates to speak their minds on this topic sooner rather than later.

The Catholic faithful deserve better than to be told to pray their rosaries for the election of a “good” antipope.

What do the Eminences and Monsignori who follow Stilum Curiae have to say? Can anyone speak to us with synodal parrhesia?


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