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Ancient Mass: Bergoglio Can Only Deceive the Naive. D'Erasmo.

feb 24, 2023

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, we offer for your attention this brief commentary by Fr. Francesco D'Erasmo published on his website. Happy reading and sharing



Regarding the latest edict emanating from the Vatican:


Bergoglio can deceive the naïve and the ignorant. I was ordained a while ago, but even if this edict would apply to me, I would never acknowledge a law that contradicts the eternal law of the Church, the one that neither Bergoglio nor any other person in the Church or outside of the Church can abrogate.

As recalled in the most unequivocal way from the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, it is not the authority of a pope or a bishop that renders forever legitimate or even opportune the celebration of the traditional Apostolic Rite, refreshed by St. Pius V, but it is legitimate for every Catholic priest, without requesting the permission of any person on earth.

The actual Truth that is eternal does not depend on a pope or a usurper to the papal throne to acknowledge or declare it or not as Truth.

And for those who exalt the imposition with violence of lies and frauds, I must mention that all of us, and I mean all of us, will one day stand in front of the throne of Truth, and all falsehoods will be consumed with the same vehemence in which those lies were imposed. And if they have not acknowledged the power of the Truth as love on earth, they will experience it as an eternal punishment in the underworld.



Francesco D’Erasmo, from God’s will, and not from man’s, sacerdos in aeternum,

Tarquinia, 21 February 2023



Aiutate Stilum Curiae






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