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Stilum Curiae Hits 32 Million Views. But In Reality There are Many More…

gen 19, 2023

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, just a brief post to keep you informed as usual about our little community. In the last few days the old Stilum Curiae website hit 32 million total views since its first day of existence in October 2016, at the time when San Pietro e Dintorni at La Stampa was definitively closed. To this number may be added approximately one hundred seventy thousand comments (yes, you read that correctly, 170,000!) that have been moderated. The views have taken place in a total of 91 different countries.

But these figures concern only the “old” Stilum. The new Stilum, from the moment it departed for the open seas last October, has also received several hundred thousand views.

As usual, there are some people to thank, namely, the English and Spanish translators who make Stilum, both old and new, accessible for those who are not able to read Italian; also our collaborators who are generous with their ideas and their enthusiasm; the people who help us to cover the expenses we unfortunately have, but which help us to navigate with our little boat, and “last but not least” all of you who read us and follow us. As long as I have strength, I will keep striving to make the image of Saint Michael the Archangel wave on our flagpole. May God help us!


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